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Tag Archives: legal Daily

Chinese observations on the US environmental enforcement system

Last month, we traveled to California with two important figures in China’s environmental community. One was Lü Zhongmei, one of China’s leading environmental law experts and a representative to the National People’s Congress. The other was Ms. Qie Jianrong, an award-winning environmental journalist for the Legal Daily. Qie Jianrong wrote an article for the Legal Daily that highlighted some of her observations of the differences between the environmental law systems in China and the US (which we reprint below after this post). The key difference she observed was the focus on human health in US environmental law. The US Clean … Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

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Enforcement Ideas from Sunny California – Port of LA Redux

We mentioned last week that we visited the Port of LA during our trip to the US. Qie Jianrong, a well-known environmental journalist for the Legal Daily, has written an excellent piece on the NRDC Port of Los Angeles litigation, and the subsequent clean air action plan that developed from the litigation. The key point here is that regulatory gaps and lax enforcement allowed the largest source of pollution in Los Angeles to emit for many years virtually unabated. Community action and strong support from local politicians drove the creation of a privately negotiated environmental protection plan that is protecting … Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

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Recent Environmental Law and Public Participation News

In the past week, Chinese news media has focused on several important public participation and environmental public interest litigation issues. The release of the China Software Testing Center’s evaluation of government website openness has generated discussion on how much work there is left to do. Meanwhile, local governments in Hainan, Hubei, and Yunnan are intensifying efforts to improve support for environmental public interest litigation and the creation of environmental courts. Six articles after the jump.

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  • Beijing Daze, Missed your comment. Apologies. The Li-Ion batteries are goin... read »
  • Hey Alex, Great write up! I'm fixing to get one of those Turtle Kings in the... read »
  • Nice!... read »
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